Monday, September 22, 2008

Divorce - reducing marriage to a temporary sexual contract.

Many people support the creation of divorce for plain selfish reasons.

If there is such a thing as divorce, then there is really no such thing as marriage.

"When we make a law, its inner logic may lead to all sorts of consequences we can’t foresee."

But we as Filipinos can see! We can see how divorce in the so called "more advanced" countries has destroyed the meaning of their marriage, destroyed their families, and has negatively impacted their children... for two whole generations!

Marriage in the so-called "more advanced" countries has been reduced to the level of legalized fornication. Contraceptive culture has reduced heterosexual sex to the level of Sodomy... so much so that homosexuals now feel emboldened to claim their own "right" to redefine marriage to include homosexuals!

Do you still want to follow the so-called "more advanced" countries on the their proven self-destructive laws that deconstructed the very concept of marriage?

Would You Sign This Employee Contract?

"An employer can, at any time, dismiss an employee, without justification, and have that employee imprisoned if he objects too strongly to his dismissal. For example, if the employee raises his voice in anger he may be arrested for 'violence'. In any event, an employer can dismiss an employee regardless of the circumstances, and at his sole discretion. He can fire him from his job, whenever he wishes, no matter how long the employee has served with the company, and even if the employee has done absolutely nothing wrong. Further, the employer can insist that the employee is evicted from his own house, and never allowed to re-enter it. An employer may further demand that the sacked employee must, under threat of imprisonment, forfeit part of any future income to the employer for some considerable time into the future."

Now read this. It is the Lovers Contract. The Western Marriage Contract.

"A woman can, at any time, dismiss her male partner, without justification, and have that partner imprisoned if he objects too strongly to his dismissal. For example, if he raises his voice in anger he may be arrested for 'domestic violence'. In any event, a woman can dismiss the man regardless of the circumstances, and at her sole discretion. She can fire him from his jobs as father and partner, whenever she wishes, no matter how long he has served the family, and even if he has done absolutely nothing wrong. Further, the woman can insist that the man is evicted from his own house, and never allowed to re-enter it. If she has children, a woman may further demand that her sacked partner must, under threat of imprisonment, forfeit part of any future income to the woman and her children for some considerable time into the future - and this is the case even if her children turn out not to be his."

In the West, these ARE the terms and conditions of marriage!

(This is a big big reason why western marriage is collapsing, this is a big big reason why we in the Philippines must never merely copy laws from other countries, and a big big reason why divorce should never be legalized.)

Taken from the work of Angry Harry

Legalize Divorce?

The Filipino family is threatened with extinction. Loose sexual mores, a birth control mentality, open homosexuality, new age philosophies and economic distress are only a few of the pressures that come to bear on families. Certain social, political and economic forces, both local and global, are threatening the venerable institution of the "domestic church" - the father, the mother and their children.

According to the World Congress of Families, "slogans such as modernity, globalization, progress, and the concept of civil society, are the forces that have weakened the bonds between husbands and wives, parent and child, and the generations.

These ideologies deny the natural origin and status of the family, the equal but complementary roles of men and women, the miracle of human fertility and procreation, the dignity and worth of every human person and the autonomy of family itself. The family, which develops and sustains not only individuals but also larger communities, has been subordinated to the agendas of pressure groups and government decision-makers and subjected to social experimentation.

One such manifestation of this appalling low regard for the family unit is the proposed enactment of four house bills, termed by pro-life and pro-family advocacy organizations. These are:

HB 6993 or the "Legalization of Absolute Divorce" filed by Congressman Manuel Ortega of La Union that allows married to separate and remarry, both the aggrieved as well as the guilty spouse.

HB7165 or the "Lesbian and Gay Rights Act 1999" filed by Congresswoman Bellaflor Angara Castillo of Aurora Province, which will make same marriages legal. HB 173 which seeks to "establish a new population policy strengthening the Population Commission" initiated by Congressman Heherson Alvarez, requiring bigger budget and foreign funds for population control activities, distribution of contraceptives and sex education.

The Family Code of the Philippines gives two alternatives to people who want to get out of failed marriages: A relative divorce in the form of legal separation and annulment. Under our present laws on marriage, legal separation does not dissolve the marriage bond between legally separated spouses The law therefore, forestalls them from pursuing marital ties with others.

This is mainly the reason why proponents HB 6993 or the absolute divorce bill insist on its enactment. They claim that absolute divorce is necessary to free couples from impossible marriages such as in the case of battered women. By allowing remarriage for separated spouses, HB 6993 supporters say they are giving a chance for separated couples to "possibly succeed in attaining a stable and fulfilling family life."

But Archbishop Oscar Cruz, D.D. Canon lawyer and president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines has this to say: "For those desirous only of doing away with an impossible relationship with no intention to remarry, the recourse is legal separation not divorce. Regarding anomalous relationships such as in the can of psychiatric persons or behavioral deviants, once proven by experts that any of these have been existent at the time of the wedding, then civil marriage annulment is the recourse, not divorce."

So many people have been intrigued by the bill end have taken a strong stand against it that a primer entitled "PERILS (which stands for Psychological, Economic, Religious, Identity, Legal and Social Aspects) of divorce is being circulated in Metro Manila.

The primer branded the bill as anti-women, anti-children, anti-society and a violation of our present Constitution. Listed here are some of the arguments presented in the PERILS primer.

All human beings believe in specific ways to attain happiness in life. In the past decade, some groups in society have emphasized personal happiness in marriage as a priority over responsibilities to spouse and children. Today, unhappy marriages are commonplace and divorce is accepted as an easy solution to marital problems. What has become more prevalent seems to be the unwillingness of people today to work through the stresses inevitable in every marriage.

The divorce bill currently pending in Congress contemplates remarriage for separated spouses to ''possibly succeed" in family life. A weight of evidence however does not support this hope. The bill is just seen as an endless entry-exit revolving door, which will likely result in a divorce spiral following that of the American society whose values becomes so easily assimilated into the Filipino culture. Look at the following U.S. numbers and draw your own conclusions:

YEAR------- MARRIAGES (M)------- DIVORCES (D)-----------%OF (D) TO (M)
1900---------- 709,000--------------------56,000---------------------- 8
1975---------2,126,000----------------1,026,000--------------------- 48

The belief that divorce equals happiness is utterly false. Cormac Burke, a noted authority on marriage and the family says: "If in divorcist societies, up to 50 percent of persons who fail to find happiness in marriage, where are they going to find it? I n a second marriage? The statistics say No. The divorce rate, among divorcees who remarry, is three or four times higher than among those who marry for the first time.

"Divorce does not tend to make for happiness. Divorce tends to make for divorce; and divorce always marks the final collapse of a hope for happiness. Divorce, it is frequently argued, is only meant for the hard cases, for those persons whose marriages have in fact failed, so as to give them the chance to start again. The evidence, however, is becoming massive that the remedy is worse than the illness," he adds.

The financial and economic resources of a family are generally divided upon the onset of a divorce. The father, who unusually initiates the separation in the Philippines, must now support two families which will require two homes, two sets of furniture and appliances, and subsequently two sets of children. Conflicts arise over money, property, custody and maintenance. This deepens bitter feelings between the spouses, children and in-laws.

As well as becoming impoverished, single mothers often become lonely, afraid and exhausted. Divorce has not made women equal to men but has only caused hardship in many ways to them and to their children. Statistics show that women generally fare worse in divorce because of maintenance default and raising children on reduced incomes. A U. S. study in 1985 made by the Stanford University found that mothers and children average a 73 percent decline in their standard of living the first year after divorce, while men's increased 42 percent.

Thus, many women and children find themselves needing public assistance and undergoing many changes in lifestyle and socioeconomic status. Then, too, the difficulty of raising children alone, causing many family problems.

Divorce is fundamentally a moral, not a legal issue. Were it not for its moral dimension, the issue would be totally within human competence and freedom. The reality is that the Catholic church, comprising about 85 percent of the Philippine population is absolutely against divorce as a universal error and a serious violation of God's law. And this is based on the clear teachings of Jesus Christ, who raised matrimony from a sacred contract to the dignity of a sacrament.

Divorce results to a dysfunctional home. This kind of home is hardly the breeding ground for a psychologically stable and emotionally mature person.
In divorce, the needs of children for parents are disrupted and their development process hindered or impaired.

Thus serious problems occur which usually lead to runaway teens, drug problems, alienation, prostitution, low self-esteem, depression and even suicide.

Moreover, long-term physical and emotional burdens are often placed on children which endure long after the divorce; These frequently take the form of post-adolescent fears of commitment or betrayal, lack of goals and feelings of not being in control of their life.

Whatever legal route the proponents of a divorce law in the Philippines may take, it will end up running smack against the 1987 Constitution, which provides that the family is an inviolable social constitution. (Art. XV, Sec. 2).

Other provisions regarding the family in our 1987 Constitution are:

Sec. 12. The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution. (Art. II, Ibid.)

Sec. I. The State recognizes the Philippine family as the foundation of the nation. Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total development. (An. XV, Ibid.)

The social costs of divorce, as experienced in the United States, are also frightening. Divorce is essentially a social explosive that, in time, will go off in the form of sexual aberrations, acts of violence, drug addiction and other detrimental signs of social maladjustment.

Consider these facts:
"Most victims of child molestation come from single-parent households or are the children of drug-ring members." (Los Angeles Times, 9-16-85)

"Due to the significant drop in their income, mothers and their children often have to move to less expensive housing after a divorce or separation. Thus, each move which brings a change in friends and neighborhoods, frequently adds stress to an already high level of stress within the family." (Larson, Sawyers and Larson "Of the juvenile criminals who are a threat to the public three-fourths come from broken homes. (Ramsey Clark)

In a study of 72 adolescent murderers and 35 adolescent thieves, researchers for Michigan State University demonstrated that fully 75 percent of those charged with homicide had parents who were either divorced or had never been married at all." (Cornell, et. al.)

A habitual wife-beater, divorced and remarried, is not likely to morph into a tender, loving lamb with his second or third wife. Both goodness and evil have multiplier effects. It, therefore, makes enormous sense not to make it easy for persons to exit from and reenter into marriage.

A stable family is built upon the combined parental love and unified parental force of the spouses. In order to make children grow into mature, responsible and upright persons of society, strengthening of the family is needed. But this rests on no one else but the family itself. If God is at the center of the family unit, trust that the bulwark will weather all the storms in life.

For more information, go to:

ALLiance for the FAMILY Foundation Philippines Inc.

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